Sunday, May 26, 2013

 End of year 1 Semester 2 at NUS. Another checkpoint reached. I am now a senior!! Funny how that doesn't even matter to me. I wrote a similar note in my facebook notes section but I think I will dedicate more time and space to that subject here.

Entering NUS was, to put it mildly, reallya step into a big abyss. Everything is so different from what happened in NS and JC. A whole melting pot of people from many countries, faculties and schools. It feels so bewildering, what with the need to auction for modules on CORS, the modular system of doing things and the many different requirements to get a degree. I am pursuing a degree in life science, of which I honestly have no idea what I will do in future with. Everytime someone asks me what my career prospects are, I just spout the usual drivel about trying to attain a master's and maybe proceeding into research or teaching. Truth is, I really don't know. Life science was something up and coming when I was in JC deciding to study Biology or Physics. The hard truth that a bachelor's will not get you anywhere in academia was really a big blow and I found myself wondering why am I studying so hard in such a content heavy course for something which will probably land an office job at best.

Anyway, aside from that, school has really been great. To be able to hang around intellectual company and have debates on anything to studying together for mid-terms and finals is really enriching after a mindless 2 years in the SAF. Hall life has also been great. Imagine the convenience of only having to wake up about 15 minutes before a lecture. For someone who lives in the East and has to travel 1 hour plus just to get to school, such a benefit is invaluable.

Unfortunately. NUS being so big also means its hard to make friends sometimes. Even people you know from orientation will slowly and inevetably drift apart. Lab partners, course mates seem to be just hi-bye people after the end of the module. That being said, I do enjoy practical lessons and tutorials, especially french. I do not regret taking it even though my CAP was sorta destroyed by that stupid B-.

I hope as I enter year 2, that I will continue to be able to keep contact with all of the people close to me, as I can see that friendships take work and effort.

Well I'll be flying off to France for a 1month immersion programme and I'm really looking forward to it. Europe! A month! In France! But the weirdest thing lately is that everytime I say I am going to France: "Beware of pickpockets!" "Be careful! People there are very sneaky" etc etc. Thanks..... I guess. Anyway here's to an awesome break. At least till ICT in July.

Monday, February 27, 2012

ORD LO! - and the journey to get here

Adapted from my Facebook post:

Everyone seems to write an ORD entry to mark their journey through that institution called NS... I'. The memory is still crystal clear. 28 April 2010. The day my 1 year and 10 month journey through that rite called NS. It was with much anxiety and trepidation that I boarded the ferry to that island known as Pulau Tekong, where I would spend the first 9 weeks of NS in something called BMT.

Somehow it wasn't that bad with the big W for whiskey (and welfare) helping and before I knew it 9 weeks had passed without me even knowing who everyone was in my platoon. My sect comd was nice (I still rmb you! B S Tan), even though he and I hardly talked lol. And my PS was much nicer than any subsequent PS I have had :P POP felt like the top of the world, but little did I suspect that it was just the beginning of much sai kang. Getting my posting was probably the worst thing of 2010. I had little inkling wad RFN(T) meant, but I knew at least, that 1 SIR was an infantry battalion. And who makes up the bulk of infantry? Thats right!!! RIFLEMAN FTW /facepalm

First day at Mandai Hill Camp. Waking up at 6am to catch the taxi....Can anywhere be more ulu?! Served by only one bus, and made famous by Dave Teo, this was where I was going to spend the remainder of my NS life. Dragging my duffel bag into the MPH, I was placed in 'Alpha company'. Somehow the only consolation was that Song Yu from my sec sch days was in the same battalion, but different coy. The CO and OC appeared to be oddballs, totally at odds with my BMT experience. I have never met an OC who likes to go 可以吗?as his catchphrase and was so damn uh weird -.-  Advanced infantry training seriously sucked. It was like BMT all over again with some new tricks such as matador and river crossing... etc

I remember crying much for the first few months at Mandie Hell. I really thought unit life would be slacker. But anyway, when life gives u lemons, you make life take the lemons back! Long story short, I started my quest to downpes, but they all failed miserably. Then somehow a stroke of another's misfortune helped me to downpes and so started my vocation as a clerk/storeman. Still, I went through half a year of AIT, YOG, Brunei, Ex Maju Bersama. The second year seemed to be getting easier. Then tragedy struck my family. Anyway, I managed to somehow get over it and pulled through the remainder towards ORD.

Now  that the journey is over, I wonder what lies in store now. NS was predictable and regimental. The sudden freedom is quite new and interesting. Uni - here I come!

Sunday, January 15, 2012

It's been a year into 2012 and while I think the world will not end this year, mine nearly did. Well it's a long story what happened, but more on that later. I would have liked to believe that generally, I am someone who means what I say and say what I mean. Even if sometimes it may be hard to do so. The keyword however, is 'generally'.

2011 has been a mixed year. It gave me pain, sorrow, depression but also fun, excitement, joy. It gave me new memories, experiences and friends. Especially close ones. Well, the incident in question was a result of mixed expectations, poor judgment and bad communication that had painful consequences. While I'm glad its over, I have learnt alot about trust, honesty and truthfulness.

Looking ahead, I don't care what others say about 2012 being a doomsday year. Life has just started again for me and I intend to make the best out of my uni years and pursue my interests. Carpe diem!!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

It seems that every new year I feel compelled to write a New Year's entry, to reflect on the past year and to set the tone for year ahead. Last year was a really trying period for me and my family. I'm sure I don't have to go into the painful details. But it was also a time that I grew and learnt from all the lessons that life was trying to teach. It wasnt all that bad either. I was involved in NDP 2011, gt revocated and managed to gain a very good friend.

Its hard to believe that so much can happen in 365 days and that it really seems like yesterday that I was dreading going to brunei for ex lancer. Already its 2012, with 56 days left to ORD and uni life starting in 8 months time. And somehow my unit thinks its a good idea to send me for storeman course. Not that I'm complaining about the course itself, but I dun really see the point when there's so little time left lol. Its quite fun to learn new stuff abt logistics and stores and the course conductor is really nice haha. But Sembawang camp is just a little inacessible (but better then mandai) and its quite a welcome change from the stupid sai kang and chionging that is 1 SIR.

Haiz i have to finish up on my NUS scholarship essay soon....... this year is going to be quite a strain on my finances ugh. And with the stupid economy in doldrums I doubt I will be getting any money from the government lol.

Friday, December 2, 2011

A Guide To Remaining Entertained While Being Cooped Up At Home

Dang. So its been like 2.5 weeks since I last went out. Been at home all along still recovering from the op. It's been healing ok, and I've been off antibiotics already, so it sjus a matter of when I can remove the splint and elastics. Anyway since I'm so bored and I'm feeling nice...... haha I shall share what I do to remain entertained..

Guidelines to remaining entertained (so you won't be bored duh)

1. Most important of all: DO Stuff! (If you're doing something you won't be bored because you have something to do right? LOL! No brainer actually)

So...I guess the next question to answer will be. BUT WHATS THERE TO DO???

  • Play games? PC/Console/Board/Card It doesnt really matter. Personally I play TF2 and dota
  • Read! Since you have so much time, might as well read a few books to gain extra knowledge and improve your literary skills right? Newspapers too! Now you can read every single article and find out so much more!!!
  • Write. Update your blogs! Write a story! Or be like me! (and write a guide. haha)
  • Get friends to visit! A very good way to kill time, catch up with your friends and be entertained all at one go :P But NS is a huge downer since alot of my friends are cooped up themselves in camp -_-
  • Handicrafts? A bit childish. But hey... it occupies ur hands. haha It could be interesting for all you know. Like this cool video I found about DIY candy
  • Watch tv. Another brainless activity. But if you have cable, theres lots of interesting programmes and documentaries on Nat Geo/Discovery etc. Just dun spend so long hogging the tv and straining your eyes
  • Study. For nerds who have nothing really better to do and those who have no choice bwahaha

2. Go out (If possible)

Of course this is conditional on the state of your physical state and it doesnt really count as being cooped up... but meh. just once in a while its nice to do so.
  • There are so many things to see in Singapore actually. Parks, museums, trails. etc... Now is the Christmas season and I really wanna go out and see the lights, sights and sounds. (And buy a few presents)
  • Or since this is really for those who cant travel.... go downstairs. Get some fresh air. Look at all the little things in your neighbourhood. Who knows? Maybe you'll find something new!
3. Rest

Well I guess you are cooped up in the first place cos you're sick or recovering.  So this has the double effect of making you better faster and killing time! And time spent unconscious goes by reallyyy quickly ^^

Hmm ok I think that should be about it. Any other suggestions?

Sunday, November 27, 2011

I wonder now in the age of facebook, twitter and instant status updates, do people still bother to blog? Most of the people who I know to have personal blogs seemed to have stopped updating. Well, I'm no exception myself but on this occasion I decided to make an update since I really have nothing to do.

I've just undergone a "Maxillary lefort 1 advancement, mandibular hofer segmental osteotomy setback and autogenous bone augmentation at maxilla" operation which in layman's terms means I went and fixed my underbite ._.  Time will tell if its worth it but for now I'm paying the price for it by not being able to eat and talk. Its been 5 days without solid food and not being able to make a single coherent sound other than grunts and other animalistic noises :\ Anyway the good thing is that its give me mc till 19 Dec for now. Which means of course that I don't have to be in camp heh. Only 92 days to go anw!!! Unlike some ppl who are going to ORD nex fri :(

Through this op I also have seen how caring people around me are and how blessed I am with good friends and relations. I hope mum is happy.

Sunday, August 21, 2011


Well well. It appears much has happened in half a year. I havn't really elaborated on what has been going on so I guess now will be a good time to clear the air since time is somewhat on my side.

Basically the main few events:
1. Mum has left for heaven. (More on that later)
2. NDP (pictures are in fb, do check them out)
3. 190 days to ORD

I don't think I have mentioned this before, but mummy was diagnosed with stage IV leiomyosarcoma in 2009. Which obviously isn't good news. Throughout her diagnosis, treatment and passing, she has never once blamed anyone and was even then, a pillar of my support.It was thus a huge blow when God decided to take her home. I found it quite hard to cope initially, after all that I have been through. And I will always be glad for the 2 years that she was given (and had asked for). We have grown stronger, more independent and more resilient. Perhaps it was also for the best, as she was in deep pain caused by that lump of cells furiously dividing in her liver, uterus and lung. Anyway, I'm glad that she is now in paradise, reunited with her mother and cannot wait till we all meet again.

Next, I didn't know that I was going to be involved in NDP till around Apr. It was really hard work, burning numerous weekends, weekdays and energy trying to move all the props and ensure a smooth running of the show. I know that there was lots of controversy and criticism, a lá the funpack song. Sure, some parts may be a bit cheesy, but there's no need to be so critical. Its a time when Singaporeans get to come together and celebrate the hard work that we have put into making our nation an envy in the region and the world. I cant say that it was a bed of roses,  but the process was definitely worth it. I wished that my mother could have watched it, and it was extremely poignant when they showed the character of 'Mother' in the show passing away. In any case, I have met new friends, new ppl who have shown me that life is not all that bad and that whats most important are the choices we make and hw we choose to utilise our life.

With about 190 days to go before ORD, I hope that uni life will start on a good note and that whatever memories that I have accumulated over my ns life, good and bad teach me never to take things for granted and the importance of having a positive outlook. I will admit it here, I have once fallen into depression and it is not a pleasant experience. Do talk with friends and family. They're the pillars of life.