Guidelines to remaining entertained (so you won't be bored duh)
1. Most important of all: DO Stuff! (If you're doing something you won't be bored because you have something to do right? LOL! No brainer actually)
So...I guess the next question to answer will be. BUT WHATS THERE TO DO???
- Play games? PC/Console/Board/Card It doesnt really matter. Personally I play TF2 and dota
- Read! Since you have so much time, might as well read a few books to gain extra knowledge and improve your literary skills right? Newspapers too! Now you can read every single article and find out so much more!!!
- Write. Update your blogs! Write a story! Or be like me! (and write a guide. haha)
- Get friends to visit! A very good way to kill time, catch up with your friends and be entertained all at one go :P But NS is a huge downer since alot of my friends are cooped up themselves in camp -_-
- Handicrafts? A bit childish. But hey... it occupies ur hands. haha It could be interesting for all you know. Like this cool video I found about DIY candy
- Watch tv. Another brainless activity. But if you have cable, theres lots of interesting programmes and documentaries on Nat Geo/Discovery etc. Just dun spend so long hogging the tv and straining your eyes
- Study. For nerds who have nothing really better to do and those who have no choice bwahaha
2. Go out (If possible)
Of course this is conditional on the state of your physical state and it doesnt really count as being cooped up... but meh. just once in a while its nice to do so.
- There are so many things to see in Singapore actually. Parks, museums, trails. etc... Now is the Christmas season and I really wanna go out and see the lights, sights and sounds. (And buy a few presents)
- Or since this is really for those who cant travel.... go downstairs. Get some fresh air. Look at all the little things in your neighbourhood. Who knows? Maybe you'll find something new!
Well I guess you are cooped up in the first place cos you're sick or recovering. So this has the double effect of making you better faster and killing time! And time spent unconscious goes by reallyyy quickly ^^
Hmm ok I think that should be about it. Any other suggestions?