Well well. It appears much has happened in half a year. I havn't really elaborated on what has been going on so I guess now will be a good time to clear the air since time is somewhat on my side.
Basically the main few events:
1. Mum has left for heaven. (More on that later)
2. NDP (pictures are in fb, do check them out)
3. 190 days to ORD
I don't think I have mentioned this before, but mummy was diagnosed with stage IV leiomyosarcoma in 2009. Which obviously isn't good news. Throughout her diagnosis, treatment and passing, she has never once blamed anyone and was even then, a pillar of my support.It was thus a huge blow when God decided to take her home. I found it quite hard to cope initially, after all that I have been through. And I will always be glad for the 2 years that she was given (and had asked for). We have grown stronger, more independent and more resilient. Perhaps it was also for the best, as she was in deep pain caused by that lump of cells furiously dividing in her liver, uterus and lung. Anyway, I'm glad that she is now in paradise, reunited with her mother and cannot wait till we all meet again.
Next, I didn't know that I was going to be involved in NDP till around Apr. It was really hard work, burning numerous weekends, weekdays and energy trying to move all the props and ensure a smooth running of the show. I know that there was lots of controversy and criticism, a lá the funpack song. Sure, some parts may be a bit cheesy, but there's no need to be so critical. Its a time when Singaporeans get to come together and celebrate the hard work that we have put into making our nation an envy in the region and the world. I cant say that it was a bed of roses, but the process was definitely worth it. I wished that my mother could have watched it, and it was extremely poignant when they showed the character of 'Mother' in the show passing away. In any case, I have met new friends, new ppl who have shown me that life is not all that bad and that whats most important are the choices we make and hw we choose to utilise our life.
With about 190 days to go before ORD, I hope that uni life will start on a good note and that whatever memories that I have accumulated over my ns life, good and bad teach me never to take things for granted and the importance of having a positive outlook. I will admit it here, I have once fallen into depression and it is not a pleasant experience. Do talk with friends and family. They're the pillars of life.