Haix, I'm only updating this 2 weeks after BMT POP. What's with army and their legendary love of acronyms. Anyway, I've been posted to a dumping ground. Shall not reveal the camp or unit but suffice to say, I'm a rifleman a.k.a human shield. Basically I'm supposed to run up and down hills carrying whatever stupid weapon I'm assigned and basically be the first to die in the event of an artillery strike or when encountering a tank.
The camp kinda sucks, food is a step down from tekong and welfare is practically non-existent. I heard other units get internet access but I have no such luck. Other restrictions in place include no mp3/media players, no food to be brought in and no use of vending machines. Free time is also a totally alien concept at the camp. Really hate my life. I thought things would improve after BMT. The training is pretty standard, but I'm dreading all the outfields, SOC, route marches which I have had enough of during BMT. Barely survived all these and now I'm expected to continue for another 19 months. Crap.
The Advanced Infantry Training or AIT lasts 6 weeks and its basically section training where we have to learn to fight as a team of 7. Fortunately it's interrupted by the youth olympic games so we get plenty of time out of camp doing grunt work at the marina bay. Oh well it's still better than in-camp. I'm really miserable and depressed everytime I'm in camp which makes every moment out so much more to be desired and enjoyed. Really, if you find your current life boring and wished for excitement, go join the army. It really teaches you how to enjoy life's simplest pleasures. A cup of cool water after tough PT. Clouds that obscure the sun and the cool breeze. The list goes on.
Anyway I have just put in braces on my teeth and have a follow up appt in 6 weeks time. My teeth kinda hurt now and I'm wondering how to go outfield this tues to practice section drills. Hope there's no route march and it ends fast.
The journey of dl-torrentRX through life on the 3rd planet from the Sun in the Milky Way galaxy
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
This new blog template looks so much cooler =D. Oh man, I can't describe how cool the feeling of freedom is, after 9 weeks of doing stuff that I don't even want to do, having 1 week off is simply the best thing that could ever happen.

POP for 02/10 enhanced leadership batch W coy, sch 3 was quite a simple affair. Had the 20km route march super early, around 5+. It rained intermittently between 4km stretches which rocked as there was not enough time to complete the whole 24km so we got a 4km discount. Furthermore, the whole march was on road, which made it easier somewhat. Had 2 abrasions by the end of the whole thing and wanted to die by 12-16km so I'm super glad we had it easy. The whole parade started around 3.50pm and the first half was quite uneventful, although I felt quite stupid doing the infantry song and roar. But who cares, I'm free from tekong!!!! Well here are the pictures:
Whiskey coy, whiskey coy, whiskey coy, we are the best, we are the champion, and we will always be the one, whiskey coy!
My buddy throughout the whole 9 weeks.
1 last look at my bunk. Its the left-most one with the red sloping roof. Good riddance!
Feeling quite high now as its the start of the week, but posting is coming out on friday. Kinda worried as I was shortlisted for armor recce trooper which involves carrying dam heavy loads and marching for super long distances in small groups. Also IPPT silver is a must to pass out. How to when I can't even pass BMT IPPT. Anyway, I'm praying and hoping for a non-combat vocation. Call me whatever you want but that's what I feel suits me best. I don't think I am able to shoot at someone to kill him in a real war anyway.
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