Now I'm at the middle of BMT. Field camp is now over and up next is SIT test. I'm not going to really bother too much about it as its a selection tool for command school. I just want a non-combat vocation where I can do better than just going outfield. Honestly, I have no interest in and am not fit at all fighting frontline. Field camp sucked but at least its over. I just calculated that there is about 2 full weeks of training left. Really looking forward to POP-ing.
Feeling kinda moody as its bookin day and I can only come out 7 days later. That sucks but at least it means the following week is only 4 days long. Maybe 3 if SDC visit is on that week. I just hate route marches mostly.
And about the recent controversy about City Harvest Church's donation collection methods. I feel that they are misleading people when they say that giving donations to the church results in greater results. What makes it different from an investment scheme? God wants us to give out of our love for him as everything belongs to him in the first place. If we expect rewards for our offering we are no different from money grubbing scum. Does he even need our money in the first place? God does not want us to be rich on this earth as our treasures are laid up above in heaven. This world is not our home. If we happen to be rich it is a blessing, not an entitlement. Mega churches are really enticing people with the prosperity gospel and it makes me sad when people fall for it. Are they really saved? I hope so.
Back to the topic of NS. I really feel encouraged by the grace of God. Truly I wouldn't have made it through field camp and 5 weeks of NS BMT if it were not for God's mercy and grace. What a friend we have in Jesus!