The harsh reality of term 3 has finally started to sink into me. I am like so frustrated trying to find out what I can type for my top 3 achievements for the SGC. Just realised that the CIP that I did at NUH in January is still not recorded down even though I have the verification letter. I still have to go get it approved then submit the letter to the General Office. And yeah, clubs and society type of CCAs suck! I have nothing much to write about during my tenure at the entrepreneurship club. Then again, I didn't even choose to be in the E-club, it was a result of appealing to TJC. Just my luck when I thought I could try another CCA for once. /facepalm Now I have nothing much to write for my top 3 achievements except CCA and CIP. The last one is really a headache when you have no leadership positions or intellectual achievements. Writing about duathlon or some obscure CCA activity sounds lame too. Whatever, I'll just take ideas from other ppl. And anyway, having a perfect SGC with all E's isn't going to do much good when applying to unis either, which brings me back to the topic of JCTs
Yeah they suck, with me failing almost all my subjects before moderation. Surprise though, my best subject was maths. Bio sucks now, requiring the regurgitation of so many keywords and terms. Hate the answering technique. Srsly, I so think life sucks now; nt sure if NS will suck more. Worst years of my life. And whats the point of ranting here when no one reads my blog anyway? *depressed*