I remember that the first posts in this blog were about a typical day in sec. sch. I'm going to repeat this for what its like to be a jc student.
6.30: Wakey wakey
7.10 ± 5-10 min : Arrive in sch
7.30: Flag raising + pledge taking + announcements = recipe for boredom.
7.50: First lesson. You're so tired..can't....concentrate..zzzz
8.40: Break, finally. Time to get smthing to eat. But the queues are so long! Forget it...
9.10: Take your pick from a lecture or tutorial. After 50 min of torture, you can finally leave.
10.00: Skipping breakfast didnt sound like a gd idea did it? Now you're starving...
10.50: You wish its lunchtime, tough luck. another 50 mins of brain juice sapping happens, unless its a double period lesson. good luck have fun!
11.40: If its your lucky day, its lunch now, if not, too bad.
12.30: Lunch/Tutorials
1.20: Same as above
2.10 Tutorial. Nuff said
3.00 More tutorials
3.50 Yet another tutorial. If its tues, its PE a.k.a Physical torturE
4.40 Day ends, unless its wed then u end earlier but have cca.
Note: All times increased by 20 min on Wed. Day starts at 8.20
Further note: Tutorials are interchangeable with lectures and practicals.
Yet another further note: Some periods are designated free periods depending on the day.
Some more further notes: Sch ends earliest on Thurs, at 1.30